The core of any army is there codex, and the 9th edition updated Codex for the Adeptus Mechanicus has arrived! This book provides everything you need, from lore and military organization to the nitty gritty rules for using your models on the table.
Ready to run detachments are always a hit! and this one comes with a floating tank! Two squads of vanguard infantry and a unit of jump troops with massive guns to back it up make the box even sweeter.
the brand new All-Star work horse of the space marine line. with three wounds a piece and heavy bolt rifles these will wether (almost) any blow while pushing out some sizable chunks of damage to boot!
Start Collecting! Soulblight Gravelords
with a unique Wight king and a fantastic deal on the rest of the infantry and cavalry in the box this bundle is the perfect way to start your Soulblight army!
You thought you'd killed him in the Cursed City? Think again! Radukar is back, Bigger (and Badder) than ever, and he's ready to lead his legions to battle!